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"Drinić Ljiljana"
The Meat and Dairy Sector in Bosna and Herzegovina (2011)
Ž. Vaško, G. Rokvić, LJ. Drinić, The Meat and Dairy Sector in Bosna and Herzegovina, 2011 -
Similarities and differences between lowland and mountain regions in the Republic of Srpska – Economics of agriculture (2010)
A. Figurek, S. Mirjanic, Z. Vasko, A. Ostojic, G. Rokvic, V. Mrdalj, L. Drinic, Similarities and differences between lowland and mountain regions in the Republic of Srpska – Economics of agriculture, Economics of agriculture, Vol. LVII, No. 2(1-372), pp. 131 - 139, 2010 -
Утврђивање оптималног момента продаје јабука са становишта утицаја трошкова складиштења (2010)
Z. Vasko, A. Ostojic, L. Drinic, A. Figurek, Утврђивање оптималног момента продаје јабука са становишта утицаја трошкова складиштења, АГРОЗНАЊЕ, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 165 - 174, 2010 -
Similarities and differences between lowland and mountain regions in the Republic of Srpska (2010)
S. Mirjanić, Ž. Vaško, A. Ostojić, G. Rokvić, LJ. Drinić, V. Mrdalj, A. Figurek, Similarities and differences between lowland and mountain regions in the Republic of Srpska, Economics of Agriculture, Vol. LVII, No. SI-2, pp. 131 - 138, 2010 -
Agriculture policy reforms in BH and Western Balkans in relation to the EU (2011)
S. Mirjanic, Z. Vasko, G. Rokvic, A. Ostojic, L. Drinic, V. Mrdalj, A. Figurek, Agriculture policy reforms in BH and Western Balkans in relation to the EU, Economics of agriculture, Vol. LVIII, No. 1-412, pp. 331 - 338, 2011 -
Agriculture policy reforms in Western Balkans in relation to the EU (2011)
G. Rokvić, S. Mirjanić, Ž. Vaško, A. Ostojić, LJ. Drinić, V. Mrdalj, A. Figurek, Agriculture policy reforms in Western Balkans in relation to the EU, Economics of Agriculture, Vol. SI-1, No. II, pp. 331 - 337, 2011 -
Forecasting of vegetable production in Republic of Srpska (2014)
B. Mutavđić, Lj. Drinić, N. Novković, A. Ostojić, G. Rokvić, Forecasting of vegetable production in Republic of Srpska, Central European Journal of Regional Development and Tourism, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 51 - 64, 2014 -
Productivity of transport aggregates in harvesting corn grains. (2017)
B. Railić, Z. Maličević, D. Mitrović, L. Drinić, S. Trivković, Productivity of transport aggregates in harvesting corn grains., Agriculture & Forestry, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 167 - 174, 2017 -
"Applicability of Z-score Models on the Agricultural Companies in the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)" (2017)
T. Stojanović, LJ. Drinić, "Applicability of Z-score Models on the Agricultural Companies in the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)", АГРОЗНАЊЕ, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 227 - 236, 2017 -
G. Rokvić Knežić, Z. Blagojevic, LJ. Drinić, "TYPOLOGY OF RURAL AREAS ON THE TERRITORY OF MRKONJIĆ GRAD MUNICIPALITY", Agriculture & Forestry, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 223 - 234, 2021 -
Рурални развој у функцији искориштења расположивих ресурса-примјери општина Невесиње, Шековић и Рибник (2008)
S. Mirjanić, Ž. Vaško, A. Ostojić, G. Rokvić, V. Mrdalj, LJ. Drinić, Рурални развој у функцији искориштења расположивих ресурса-примјери општина Невесиње, Шековић и Рибник, pp. 323 - 331, 2008 -
Analiza tendencija uvoza i izvoza svježeg povrća BiH (2010)
A. Ostojić, J. Komić, LJ. Drinić, G. Rokvić, V. Mrdalj, Analiza tendencija uvoza i izvoza svježeg povrća BiH, pp. 298 - 302, 2010 -
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Proces kreiranja poslovne ideje (2024-12-17T10:00:17.454Z)
Uticaj ljudskih resursa na postizanje rezultata u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji (2024-07-11T11:12:00.012Z)
Evropska zelena agenda i implikacije na politiku razvoja poljoprivrede i ruralnih područja Republike Srpske (2024-01-29T07:56:29.905Z)
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